Aerial yoga swings sold out in August 2015!

We are happy and sorry to say that during these holidays we have sold almost all of our models of yoga swings, ropes and carabiners. For the new orders the delivery it will be in September, please write or call us if you are interested in our products or have any inquire. Even so, we still have aerial silks for acrobatics and accessories :) Contact: 0034 640540559 mail noemarcial(at)    

Aerial Yoga swings made in Europe vs made in China – Safety comparison

Safety Concerns with Asian-Made Yoga Swings

While budget-friendly yoga swings from Bali and China may be tempting, their safety is a significant concern. Let's focus on a critical component: the hook.

The Flaw of Uncertified Hooks

The Bali model utilizes an open hook that lacks certification for human weight support. This means it may hold 200kg of static weight, but a moving person can exert much greater force, potentially causing a mid-exercise break.

The Problem Goes Beyond Bali

Unfortunately, the issue isn't limited to the Bali model. The Chinese version often comes with a similarly unsuitable carabiner. As you can see in the image, our steel carabiner boasts a significantly wider diameter compared to these Asian counterparts.

Prioritizing Strength and Safety

Our carabiners are built to withstand a staggering 2,134kg of static weight. Additionally, we use high-strength ropes capable of holding 890kg each (and we use four per swing for maximum security!).

Invest in Your Safety

Don't risk injury by compromising on safety. Choose a yoga swing with components rigorously tested and certified for human weight support.

carabiner comparison made in europe vs china
carabiner safe comparison

Tutorial de Yoga aéreo – Ejercicio para tonificar brazos y pecho en el columpio

Aquí les comparto un tutorial en el que se puede ver una de las formas más agradables de practicar lagartijas. En esta disposición uno puede graduar la cantidad de peso que habrá en los brazos, simplemente recogiendo más o menos las piernas. Si las piernas están extendidas existe una fuerza de contrapeso que atenúa el esfuerzo sin limitar la movilidad; si se las recoge se transforma en un ejercicio pectoral muy intenso. Nota: observar que la zona lumbar esté recta y sin curvatura. es decir cuando sube el torso, éste debe subir recto. Para ello debemos contraer los abdominales firmemente. Este movimiento es para ganar firmeza, existe otra variante estática donde si que se flexiona la espalda hasta alcanzar la figura de la cobra en el aire, pero para ello los movimientos deben ser mas lentos y conscientes.